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The Royal Marines Regimental March Associated Web Link: Royal Marines Bands Videos Transcript Of Narration The Regimental March of the Royal Marines is derived from two songs from the early 19th century. The majority of the march is from A life on the Ocean Wave by Henry Russell and a small section from The Sea by Sigismun Neukomm. The regimental march was authorised by the War Office in 1882. Prior to this each Division of the Royal Marines had its own march, and even these frequently changed as new Commandants often introduced new marches.
Associated Web Link: Royal Marines Bands Videos
Transcript Of Narration The Regimental March of the Royal Marines is derived from two songs from the early 19th century. The majority of the march is from A life on the Ocean Wave by Henry Russell and a small section from The Sea by Sigismun Neukomm. The regimental march was authorised by the War Office in 1882. Prior to this each Division of the Royal Marines had its own march, and even these frequently changed as new Commandants often introduced new marches.